I channel your reading before we meet. Please read instructions below.
Contact Rosemary info@rosemaryd.com
It takes me 2 weeks AFTER a brief chat to channel a reading BEFORE we meet.
Alternate service
*SEE transformational sessions for life guidance without channeling.
I can book these quicker.
Steps to follow for an angel reading:
1. Prepay your session. Provide email and cell.
2. I'll call to hear your voice and get brief information.
3. Email 2-3 focus areas via email (info@rosemaryd.com) to me.
4. I WILL CONTACT YOU to set up a ZOOM or in person session (included in the price)
45 minutes to an hour.
*This does not replace your regular medical person, or counselor. I'm not a counselor. This is an angel connection session. Your free will is important. This session is for personal insight.
The information contained on this website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, articles, and other materials, is provided to you only as general information. Rosemary DeTrolio is not a doctor or a counselor. She does not provide medical diagnosis, or consultations related to health, medical, or psychiatric issues. Transformational methods and/or modalities are considered alternative by Western health care professionals. There is evidence regarding Holistic approaches to health and well-being regarding effectiveness in considering the whole body - physical | mental | emotional | spiritual - in its entirety. Rosemary DeTrolio is not a medical doctor and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment, or diagnosis in relation to the physical, mental or emotional health or wellbeing of your body. She is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. You should seek professional medical advice before making any health decision. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of Mentoring, Teachings or any Private Session with Rosemary DeTrolio By booking, attending or participating in Mentoring, guidance, readings, Class/Workshop, or Private Session of any type with including viewing this website, or podcasts, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Rosemary DeTrolio or any guest associated with her, from any claim or liability whatsoever.
Angel Reading & guidance (Zoom) written,channeled & session
This is a cooperative angelic guidance session. I'm not a counselor, but can guide you with decision-making, life direction, and to tap into your own inner wisdom.
You have 24 hours after payment to cancel. No refund after 24 hours, since I've already started to channel your reading.
If I've already channeled your reading, and you change your mind before we meet, I reserve the right to keep the payment for my time spent to channel for you.